Mooch Madness!

Despite its title, Anthony Scaramucci’s new book pays scant attention to Wall Street or Washington and is more about his evolution as a person and how he manages life’s ups and downs using the insights of great leaders and philosophers. And his grandmother. 

Scaramucci somehow discusses the influence of his grandmother, Marcus Aurelius, and a hated high school gym teacher on the same page and makes it a teachable moment. It seems the gym teacher nicknamed him “Mooch” derogatorily, but true to his nature, Scaramucci put a positive spin on it, as he does with everything, hence his success in life. 

There are many similar instances in the book where Scaramucci references Winston Churchill, Teddy Roosevelt, and most of the stoics while he covers his successes as well as his failures. 

I’ve known Scaramucci for 25 years and my mother was fond of saying he had “the gift of gab,” while my father referred to him as “loquacious” (both right!), but they also considered him remarkably well-read. What differentiates Scaramucci from self-help gurus (and blowhards) is his remarkable knowledge base, encompassing the widest range of subjects imaginable.

A tangential conversation with Scaramucci is a unique experience because he’ll discuss everything from a Tom Seaver biography to the works of John Dos Passos followed with an off-color joke that leads to something insightful about Dante Alighieri.

This book is very similar.  It’s not a “how-to” book, but rather an entertaining amalgamation of thoughts and life lessons based on Scaramucci’s experiences and – more importantly – from the many books he’s read and committed to memory.

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